St Bride, Kirkbride

St Bride's Church, Kirkbride

Parish church. C12 with C19 restoration. Large blocks of red sandstone (thought to be of Roman origin) with flush quoins. Nave roof of graduated sandstone slates; chancel, vestry and porch with greenslate roofs. 3-bay nave with west open bellcote and south porch; lower single-bay chancel with south vestry. Nave has round-headed south entrance with C19 timber-framed porch. Tall C19 cusped-headed windows, that to left of 2-lights. North wall has narrow blocked entrance under flat lintel. One original narrow round-headed window and similar window in chancel. C19 intersecting east window. Interior: unmoulded chancel arch on plain imposts. Square-bowled font with knobbly leaf decoration around the underside and trefoil and quatrefoil panel decorations on each side. Small square stoup in chancel has rounded corners and carved lamb and cross decoration. Inscription over south entrance, now door into vestry, E(cclesia) Bride. C19 and early C20 stained glass, east window by Kayll & Co, Leeds, 1904. Photographs of the 1895-8 restoration in the vestry, show that almost all of the chancel was taken down and rebuilt.

From English Heritage

1st Sunday:9.30am Holy Communion
2nd Sunday:9.30am Service of the Word
3rd Sunday:9.30am Holy Communion
4th Sunday:9.30am Service of the Word
5th Sunday:United Service